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Install and Run


You can install OpenPype on individual workstations the same way as any other software. When you create you build, you will end up with an installation package for the platform that was used for the build.

  • Windows: OpenPype-3.0.0.msi
  • Linux:
  • Mac: OpenPype-3.0.0.dmg

After OpenPype is installed, it will ask the user for further installation if it detects a newer version in the studio update location.

Run OpenPype

To use OpenPype on a workstation simply run the executable that was installed. On the first run the user will be prompted to for OpenPype Mongo URL. This piece of information needs to be provided to the artist by the admin setting up OpenPype in the studio.

Once artist enters the Mongo URL address, OpenPype will remember the connection for the next launch, so it is a one time process.From that moment OpenPype will do it's best to always keep up to date with the latest studio updates.

If the launch was successful, the artist should see a green OpenPype logo in their tray menu. Keep in mind that on Windows this icon might be hidden by default, in which case, the artist can simply drag the icon down to the tray.

You can use following command line arguments:

--use-version - to specify version you want to run explicitly, like:

openpype_console --use-version=3.0.1

--use-staging - to specify you prefer staging version. In that case it will be used instead of production one.

List available versions

To list all available versions, use:

openpype_console --list-versions

If you want to validate integrity of some available version, you can use:

openpype_console --validate-version=3.3.0

This will go through the version and validate file content against sha 256 hashes stored in checksums file.

Headless mode

Add --headless to run OpenPype without graphical UI (useful on server or on automated tasks, etc.)

--verbose <level> - change log verbose level of OpenPype loggers.

Level value can be integer in range 0-50 or one of enum strings "notset" (0), "debug" (10), "info" (20), "warning" (30), "error" (40), "critical" (50). Value is stored to OPENPYPE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable for next processes.

openpype_console --verbose debug

--debug - set debug flag affects logging

Enable debug flag for OpenPype process. Change value of environment variable OPENPYPE_DEBUG to "1". At this moment affects only OpenPype loggers. Argument --verbose or environment variable OPENPYPE_LOG_LEVEL are used in preference to affect log level.

openpype_console --debug


When you run OpenPype from executable, few check are made:

Check for mongoDB database connection

MongoDB connection string is in format:


More on that in MongoDB documentation.

Example connection strings are mongodb://local-unprotected-server:2707 or mongodb+srv://

When you start OpenPype first time, Igniter UI will show up and ask you for this string. It will then save it in secure way to your systems keyring - on Windows it is Credential Manager, on MacOS it will use its Keychain, on Linux it can be GNOME Keyring or other software, depending on your distribution.

This can be also set beforehand with environment variable OPENPYPE_MONGO. If set it takes precedence over the one set in keyring.

Minimal permissions for DB user
  • readWrite role to openpype and avalon databases
  • find permission on openpype, avalon and local

Check for OpenPype version path

When connection to MongoDB is made, OpenPype will get various settings from there - one among them is directory location where OpenPype versions are stored. If this directory exists OpenPype tries to find the latest version there and if succeed it will copy it to user system and use it.

This path can be set is OpenPype settings, but also with environment variable OPENPYPE_PATH or with openPypePath in json file located application directory depending on your system.

  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\pypeclub\openpype
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/pypeclub/openpype
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/pypeclub/openpype

Runtime provided environment variables

OpenPype is providing following environment variables for its subprocesses that can be used in various places, like scripting, etc.

  • OPENPYPE_ROOT - this will point to currently running code.
  • OPENPYPE_VERSION - string of current version - like 3.0.0-foo+bar
  • OPENPYPE_REPOS_ROOT - this is path where all components can be find (like Avalon Core and OpenPype)
  • OPENPYPE_DATABASE_NAME - database name in MongoDB used by OpenPype
  • OPENPYPE_EXECUTABLE - path to executable used to run OpenPype - when run from sources it will point to python stored in virtual environment. If run from frozen code, it will point to either openpype_gui or openpype_console.